If you’re a content writer, you’ll know that the “struggle is real” when it comes to writing weekly posts. Not only do we feel immense pressure to regularly come up with new material, but doing so can be a strenuous task.
However, is this always necessary? Not at all! REJOICE!!!
A lot of your website traffic comes from your blog, but a post doesn’t run out of lead generation juice once a new post is published. If you’ve got a backlog of posts already existing on your site with a sizable amount of traffic, why not leverage those posts instead? Doing so can increase traffic AND save you time.
So how does it work? That’ll all depend on what you’re trying to achieve…
If you’re after better leads, you’ll need to ensure better conversions. Start by creating a list of your best-performing blogs. Next, check to see that the blogs have the appropriate tracking tags attached so that you can REALLY see just how well they’re performing on Google Analytics.
Be sure to also analyze the existing data to see where you can make improvements. For example, if you notice people are arriving at your blog via search, perhaps use SEMrush to ascertain certain effective keywords that can help you create a more powerful CTA that ensures conversions.
If more people are arriving via social media, analyze the types of sites they’re coming from or the sites your remarketing banners are appearing on. Knowing their behaviors can help provide insights on how to improve blog conversions.
Pretty simple, hey?
If more leads are what you’re after, gauge which of your blogs best convert visitors into leads. Hubspot has a dashboard that allows you to see which blogs are performing best.
Start by improving and updating the best-performing blogs in order of rank. Publish them and then test to see which ones perform even better once you’ve reposted them and promoted them on all your social channels.
This will allow you to capture any low-hanging fruit available for you to get leads. Now that’s a win in our books.
Note: But remember, you’ll need to start with a post that has some degree of page authority already attained. Otherwise, your efforts will be akin to starting from scratch and going against what you’re trying to achieve.
Once you’ve analyzed the data and updated high-performing posts, be sure to ascertain the best means of promoting them. Perhaps a paid ad on social media will be the best means of bringing richer and more targeted traffic to your post. Maybe an EDM targeted at your existing, loyal fan base is the right move.
Whatever your decision, be sure that it’s driven by careful consideration based on data from Google Analytics. You’re sure to boost your traffic to these well-performing sites if your consequent moves are thoroughly thought out.
Note: Keep in mind that the updates will need to be compelling, fresh, and up to date to warrant republishing them as new posts. Make sure that you’re communicating the extent of this additional value to your potential readers. That way they’ll know that they’re getting something new and decide if they’re keen to invest time in your new offering.
4. “Should I be doing this”?
Having 3-4 years’ worth of blogs is usually the sweet spot, as these posts will most likely have quite a bit of traffic and offer you more of a selection to choose from. You’ll need to have been blogging for quite some time as well as a sizable amount of traffic for this to work.
The reason being that you’ll need to have quite a few year’s worth of blogging for your posts to have garnered some decent search authority.
You’ll also need to consider if you’ve amassed a large enough amount of followers on social or subscribers on email. You’ll only be able to achieve a great ROI if you already have a “fan base” or people who are tuning into your offering and keen to attain more value from you over time. These individuals would most likely have contributed to your initial traffic, so make sure you’ve achieved a large following before trying this at home, kids.
…you’ll thank us later, trust me…
While creative agencies often experience immense pressure to create new and innovative content weekly to showcase their marketing mettle, optimizing already existing content is an excellent way of leveraging your already AMAZING assets as well as managing your time more efficiently.
By optimizing existing blogs, you’ll be able to increase traffic because you have the bedrock for successful future blogs which will advertise themselves on social media and within your EDMs.
Try this with your best-performing posts and see the results for yourself. Also, get in touch with our team to share your results so we can see just how helpful we’ve been to you. Looking forward to hearing from you here at Impress!ve™ Digital!